Nothing Beats a Healthy Heart

Woman sits on pavement after a run with dog by her side and water bottle in her hand.

Know Your Risks

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men and women. It is caused by multiple factors including lifestyle choices and genetics. Heart disease can also run in families. This could be due to shared lifestyle habits (such as smoking or diet), shared genes or a combination of both. Some families carry a single gene mutation that causes a higher risk for certain heart conditions. If you have heart disease in your family, you may want to know if it could be due to a genetic condition. If left untreated or undetected, genetic conditions that cause heart disease can cause serious issues like dangerously high cholesterol levels or sudden death. Knowing if there is a genetic heart condition in your family could help you take steps to lower your risk for serious heart problems.

Understand Your Options

If there is a concern that the heart disease in your family could be due to a genetic condition, your genetic expert can review your personal and family history to help you understand your risk for an inherited heart condition and what genetic testing options are available. You can be guided through different testing and screening options to help decide what is best for you. Even if testing does not find a hereditary cause or if you decide not to pursue testing, there may be important medical management options and lifestyle changes to consider to lower your risk for heart disease.

Man typing on laptop appears to be researching. He has a military jacket next to him.
Young girl trying to listen to her father's heart with a toy stethescope.

Take Action

If you are found to have an inherited condition that increases your risk for heart problems, there are steps that you can take to reduce your risks and improve your health. This might mean having heart screening tests earlier or more frequently, taking medications, lifestyle changes to prevent heart disease, or a combination of these options. Your genetics expert will review all of this in detail to empower you to take steps that can improve your health.

Get Started
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We use the first part of your Group ID (the numbers before the first hyphen) to make sure you’re an Aetna member and eligible to use this tool. Here is help locating your Group ID on your insurance card. We recommend keeping your insurance card out as you may need it later.

Once you click “Submit”, you’ll be asked questions about your personal and family health history to see if you may benefit from genetic counseling. You’ll see your results, scheduling options, and available resources once complete.

The questions should take less than 5 minutes. To protect your privacy, this site will not save your answers if you close the survey before completing it or if you leave the survey open for more than 30 minutes.

InformedDNA is neither the agent nor employee of Aetna. InformedDNA is solely responsible for the clinical services it offers to members through this program.